YOUR Time for YOU 💥

  • BY:Anthony Ikin - Australian Motivational Speaker and Success Coach

  • ON 21 June 2021

  • INIKIN Achieve

Remember that massive smile that you would get as a kid when you were told “it’s play time”? The sound of the bell that said it’s your time for you and you can do anything you like?

This week, I was reminded of that feeling. That joy you can have in your life when you follow your passion, and the power we can feel when we relive them. Your time for you! The older we get the bigger the box we place ourselves in. The rules of what we “can’t” or “shouldn’t” do grows, and we forget the amazing impact of fulfilling our passions can bring.

YOUR Time for YOU

Have you heard yet?

You may have seen or heard that I started my new coaching series ‘Dear Me, I love you’ a little while back. I always like to prepare as best I can. I have researched and looked at study guides, asked my friends certain questions, and so much more. However, I choose not to prepare every single aspect, as group coaching environments lead you in directions you don’t even plan for. It’s actually one of my favourite things that happens in this kind of environment!

After my first session with the group, one of the tasks I gave them all was to write out a list of all the things they were passionate about. They had to be things that weren’t depicted by other people, or perceptions. They had to be passions decided by you, for you!

Practice what you preach!

I always practice what I preach, so I made my very own list and on that list was jumping on a trampoline. I used to LOVE doing this as a kid! Hours and hours would go by and I would be flipping, smiling and staring into the sky. It has always been so meditative for me. So, back to the trampoline I went after years of not doing it. It was absolute heaven! I felt like my 10 year old self again, and it enhanced my mood for the entire week. 

I challenge YOU

This week, I challenge you to first write a list of all the things you are/were passionate about, the things you LOVE doing for yourself. Then secondly: choose 1 or 2 of those activities on there and go and do them. Be in the moment and take it all in with a BIG smile! 

Something I always tell my clients when I work with them is: “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, create the perfect moment”.

Ant x 

Let me help you GET BACK TO YOU! I have developed so many techniques that will help you do it with ease. I am a life /success coach in Australia and with the help of Zoom, I can video chat and help anyone in the English speaking world.

Find out about me and how I got to where I am today!

You can also watch my TED Talk here!