Naomi Osaka

  • BY:Anthony Ikin - Australian Motivational Speaker and Success Coach

  • ON 25 August 2021

  • INIKIN Achieve

Bravo Naomi Osaka

Naomi Osaka

One of the world’s best athletes, Naomi Osaka, would literally rather withdraw from a grand slam tournament than have to talk to the press. People have been scrutinising what that says about her, but I think it might be worth asking: What does it say about us?

Me Personally

Those who know me personally can attest to me having a strong (sometimes “woke”) opinion on things. Naomi’s story really impacted me to the core. I have taken a step back and tried to asses the situation from both sides, but I keep coming back to a person’s mental health and their decision to put it above everything else IS PARAMOUNT. If we don’t decide to put our own mental health first, who will?  

Number 1 Fan

I’m a big fan of sports, in particular tennis, and I am saddened to watch a tournament go on without one of the greats. But one of the greats just portrayed one of the greatest and most important messages of them all, and to that I say “bravo Naomi.”

Mental health IS health. Health first.

Ant 💙

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By Anthony Ikin - Australian Motivational Speaker and Success Coach

Anthony Ikin is an Australian Motivational Speaker and Success Coach. His Achievements Include Aerobics World Champion, Moulin Rouge Can-Can and Danseur Soloist, So You Think You Can Dance’ Top 10 Performer, Associate Choreographer of the Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony, a Jay Shetty Certified Coach, Graduate of Yale University Science of Well Being, Holds a Certificate III & IV in Fitness, Was The Owner of Ikin Dance 2001-2018, Gymnastics Australia Athlete and Coach of the Year, and is the Owner of Global Dance Pro 2018-present.