I want to share a mindset with you all that has had real impact in my life…
How many of you here have been told you can’t or you won’t be able to do something?
Win an Olympic gold medal – Cathy Freeman was told it was “impossible”.
Start that side hustle you can’t stop thinking about – Jeff Bezos was told to “give up” on his business idea.
Come out – Ricky Martin was encouraged by almost everyone to “hide” his sexuality to sell more records.
But these people didn’t hear CAN’T…. They heard CAN’T YET…. And I can promise you, using just that one syllable / 3 letter word “YET” the next time you hear can’t… well, it changes everything!
Let the YET Mindset Fuel you
Sure, you might not be ready to achieve what you want right away, but a YET mindset fuels you with what it takes to get there… It gives you the patience to work towards that promotion… The discipline to gain that extra qualification… the hope to believe your best is YET to come.
The YET mindset encourages you to enjoy the journey and not just focus on the outcome. It pumps you to put in the work. It inspires you to start going after your goals, and not at snail’s pace.
What I know for sure is that when you get there after being told you can’t or won’t, your sense of accomplishment is tenfold! You cheer you, which is the most powerful and important cheer of them all!
Worthy Opportunities
Now go out there this week and live a BIG and EPIC life… That life is seriously right there in front of your eyes… You just haven’t seen it or gone after it… YET!
I truly believe that life only presents us with the opportunities that we think we’re worthy of receiving.
So I’m launching “Dear Me, I Love You.” – my latest group coaching series designed to have you transform the relationship you have with yourself. The most important relationship of them all.
Email me at success@ikinachieve.com for more info and to take a leap towards a happier, healthier and more loving you.
For those of you wanting to know all about me and how I got to where I am now, click here!
You can even see a little snippet here!
Ant x